C:\WINDOWS\system32\osd9i\cmsrvr.exe, version[ ] started {11:43:37 04/11/05} CM Starting as NT Serivce {11:43:37 04/11/05} >ERROR: ReadOthersDskInfo(): ReadFile(\\.\srvcfg) failed(21) - (0) bytes read, tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = oem.c, line = 1159 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >ERROR: UpdateDskNodeInfo(): WriteFile(\\.\srvcfg) failed(87) - (0) bytes read, tid = DiskPingThread:2940 file = oem.c, line = 1097 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >ERROR: WriteMyDskInfo(): CM aborting on failed write, tid = DiskPingThread:2940 file = oem.c, line = 467 {11:43:37 04/11/05} --- DUMP GROUP STATE DB --- --- END OF GROUP STATE DUMP --- --- Begin Dump --- C:\WINDOWS\system32\osd9i\cmsrvr.exe, version[ ] started {11:43:37 04/11/05} CM Starting as NT Serivce {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: Can't read registry value for UseRdg using default, tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = wininc.c, line = 1102 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: Can't read registry value for QSBFix using default, tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = wininc.c, line = 1102 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: InitClusterDb(): getservbyname on OracleCMService9i failed - 11004 : assigning 9998, tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = nmconfig.c, line = 160 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: OemCreateListenPort: bound at 9999, tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = oem.c, line = 662 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: InitClusterDb(): found my node info at 1 name CQ6400-4.GNRL.local, priv CQ6400-4.GNRL.local.san, port 9999, tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = nmconfig.c, line = 206 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: InitClusterDb(): Local Node(1) NodeName[CQ6400-4.GNRL.local], tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = nmconfig.c, line = 223 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: InitClusterDb(): Cluster(Oracle Cluster Manager, 9i) with (2) Defined Nodes, tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = nmconfig.c, line = 226 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: OEMInits(): CM Disk File (\\.\srvcfg), tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = oem.c, line = 219 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >ERROR: ReadOthersDskInfo(): ReadFile(\\.\srvcfg) failed(21) - (0) bytes read, tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = oem.c, line = 1159 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: CmConnectListener: Spawned with tid 0xb68., tid = CMConnectListerner:2920 file = cmclient.c, line = 165 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: ConnectCommPort(\\.\Pipe\CmListenPipe9i): beginning., tid = CMConnectListerner:2920 file = wininc.c, line = 483 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: StartClusterJoin(): clusterState(0) nodeState(0), tid = InitializeCM:2916 file = nmmember.c, line = 188 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: PollingThread: Spawned with tid 0xb70., tid = PollingThread:2928 file = nmmember.c, line = 527 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: DiskPingThread: Spawned with tid 0xb7c., tid = DiskPingThread:2940 file = nmmember.c, line = 747 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >ERROR: UpdateDskNodeInfo(): WriteFile(\\.\srvcfg) failed(87) - (0) bytes read, tid = DiskPingThread:2940 file = oem.c, line = 1097 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >ERROR: WriteMyDskInfo(): CM aborting on failed write, tid = DiskPingThread:2940 file = oem.c, line = 467 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: SendingThread: Spawned with tid 0xb80, 0xb80., tid = SendingThread:2944 file = nmmember.c, line = 360 {11:43:37 04/11/05} >TRACE: IncrementEventValue: *(47cb10) = (1, 1), tid = DiskPingThread:2940 file = wininc.c, line = 345 {11:43:37 04/11/05} --- End Dump ---